Twin Moment

Writers. Twins. Biologically unrelated. Laughing at
ourselves (and each other), listening to amazing
music, and living life epically. We present, our blog.
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Having No Voice

So, I came down with a cold this weekend. Not fun. It was even bad enough yesterday that I had to call in sick, and miss a night of work, which really sucks, since I was going to hostess alone. And when I hostess alone, I make the best bucks.

Anyway, whenever I get sick, it seems to right to my larynx. Without fail. In other words, I always -- and I mean always -- lose my voice. No matter how small the cold, or how brief, I have to deal with a couple days of sounding like a smoker, or just being downright mute.

That's me, right now. Resting my voice in the hopes it'll return. (Or at least, that's me today, on Monday. But you won't read this 'till Tuesday. Sheesh. This scheduled post business is kind of weirding me out.)

Whenever this happens (losing my voice, that is), I'm always struck by how many things I say. How many words fly out of my mouth, completely unchecked, without a hint of forethought. It's not until I can't say them, and they're stuck in my mouth, that I can really taste them, if you know what I mean.

And some of them are just... not nice.

Not necessary.

Living with four siblings, more than one of whom bug me on a regular basis, there's no denying that I'm not always the nicest person I can be. If someone's annoying me, chances are, they're going to hear about it. Or at least have a sarcastic comment or two thrown in their direction.

But when I'm voiceless? There's just not a choice.

I have to be silent.

And it really hits me how many things I shouldn't say. How I could be a kinder person, if I'd just think about my words. It's a good lesson for all of us, and really thought-provoking. Is everything we say uplifting, kind, encouraging, or positive in one way or another? Of course not. But are we striving for that? Basically, thinking before we speak?

It's way harder than it sounds. But I'll bet, with determination and perserverance, we could be better people. I certainly want to try.

Food for thought!

Let me know what you think about this, and if you've ever experienced the same thing-- being mute, and having some not-so-nice words on the tip of your tongue. And have a wonderful Tuesday!

Best Part of Today: I don't know. I wrote this post on Monday and scheduled it.
Currently Craving: I'll just guess... chocolate?
Music Pick: "Emperors" by George Fenton
I'm Reading: "The Crown" by Nancy Bilyeau
WIP: To Save Them (revising)

6 epic comments:

Oh man. I've noticed this when I've lost my voice. I am such a smart aleck. Of course, I have fewer annoying people in my life at the moment, and I am less confrontational than you, so I'm already pretty good at holding back snide comments. XD But yes, it is definitely something we can always work on. Very thought-provoking post. ^_^


Heh. Usually if I make snide comments, people deserve them. ;) However, I'm also usually good at controlling it, so I guess I don't have quite the problem you're describing. Also, I know you're talking about basic courtesy only here, but I can't help thinking about the bigger philosophical picture...

In my opinion, the world does too much to try to silence people already. It's too close a step from silencing yourself, to starting to question yourself. Believe me, I know. Let it rip!!! :)


I find myself to be a very good study in the opposite direction—I very rarely allow myself to say things. I think it's great and necessary to have a filter on what you say, to think before you speak, but when the filter is so strong that you just smile and nod in mixed company, that you think about what you're saying so long that the topic moves away, that might be a warning sign that it's too strong. O_o My social anxiety plays into that really nicely, so everyone I don't know really closely thinks I'm basically a mute. *sigh*

This is probably because my mom ingrained how I needed to watch what I said from a young age, because she'd accidentally offended people a lot when younger, mainly with sarcasm that was too pointed. I have that tendency in myself, and it's made worse when people don't really know me, so they don't take what I've said in the light intended. So I keep my statements short and sweet and generally inaudible. And all my little witticisms and retorts stay in my tortured noggin, only to be let out in writing.

All that to say…two sides to the coin! I CALL HEADS. XD


@Constance Hahah. I know this about you. :) Thank you!

@Laura W. Hmm. Interesting! Mainly what I'm talking about here is just around my family. I agree that there's nothing wrong with a well-placed sarcastic comment, but it's a whole different story if I'm being just plain mean because someone's irritating and/or annoying me. That's where I need to learn to draw the line; that my siblings have feelings, too. Thanks for reading!

@Amanda Aww, I remember you saying something like that before! The interesting thing is is that I'm the same way... in public. Though maybe not so bad as you're describing. But I definitely bite my tongue around "strangers" (or just non-family people) a LOT more than I do at home. Which is something I'm working on.

And just for the record, your little witticisms make me chuckle often. You should... let them out more. Just sayin'. XD


I could have sworn I had commented on this... *losing mind*

Anyway, I've never really lost my voice before, but I'm sure there's been times when I've been a bit hoarse. And saying mean things? Yeah, I've said them. Everyone has.

Amanda: Ha! You, a mute? Have they met Internet-Amanda? :P


@Matt—I wish everyone could meet Internet-Amanda! Then I'd feel like I could say stuff in real life, and people wouldn't give me the look they always give me when I actually do talk, like 'Whoa, you talk??'. It's a circular problem…


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